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Hey there! I'm Helder 👋

I specialize in building modern web applications with React and TypeScript. Here, I share my insights about software architecture, engineering practices, and web development best practices.

Polymorphism with React

Creating a component with a different node depending on the passed props

Integrating TLDR with FZF

TLDR + FZF for a better developer experience

Manipulating the DOM with React Ref

Using React ref to manipulate DOM nodes

Effects with React useEffect

Understanding React useEffect with practical examples

Controlled vs Uncontrolled Elements

What do controlled and uncontrolled elements mean?

ReactJS Tips & Tricks: Avoid Nested Render Functions

Avoid Nested Render Functions.

ReactJS Tips & Tricks: Avoid Short-Circuit Conditional UI Rendering

Avoid Short-Circuit Conditional UI Rendering.

Generating a Dictionary from a List using TypeScript

In this article, I will show you how to generate a dictionary from a list and use TypeScript Generics to help us.

Structuring a better README for your projects

Simple steps to create a better README for your projects.

Why Software Testing?

Some principles about Software Testing.

Upgrade Husky to Latest Version

How to upgrade Husky package to the latest version 5.x

Studying Software Development with Videos and Note-Taking

On this article, I'm going to share my process of studying software development with videos and note-taking.

How to Implement Stack Data Structure in JavaScript

On this article, I'll show how to implement `Stack` data structure in JavaScript focusing on how simple it is and how it works.

Patterns for Writing Better Git Commit Messages

It's an opinionated guide I keep with me to consult every time I catch myself in doubt if I'm writing nice commit messages with context of what I'm delivering.

How to Avoid Array Mutation

In this article, I'll focus on showing how to add, edit and remove items in an array causing mutation and non-mutation ways.

Write your own Dotfiles

Sometime ago I need to format my Mac twice times in the same week and it's was very painful to configure all the things.

Understanding concepts of functional programming with JavaScript

Let's understand the fundamental concepts of functional programming using JavaScript language.

Exploring the bind method in JavaScript

In this article we will cover the 'bind' functionality that makes up the JavaScript language.

Decoding Proxies in JavaScript

In this post we will approach the object Proxy included in the version ECMAScript 6, creating the possibility of interception and making possible creation of customized methods.

Simplify JavaScript Arrays

In this post we'll cover some methods of JavaScript that will make it easier for you to work with arrays and write more elegant codes.

What is a Pure Function?

Whenever you are told about pure functions, keep the following in mind.